Sunday, December 18, 2011


There I was standing on the train platform headed to Center City when I heard the loud screaming of a child. Mind you, the child was coming down the stairs  behind her mother, which was asinine to me, as someone could have snatched her child. The mother proceeded to the platform and had a seat on a bench and ignored her screaming child. The mother had the audacity to sit in a way that she was not facing the child who had lay out on the platform screaming at the top of her lungs. After three minutes the child began to roll on the platform and just as she reached the yellow lines a man grabbed her. The mother jumps up and snatches her daughter from the man and sat her on the bench.  She then beat the little girl. I didn't hear what was said because my earphones were high as Sandusky's attorney to suggest that this pedophile was teaching young boys to properly shower and not molesting them.

We as a society need to do better to remove ourselves from a ghetto state of mind. It's absurd to allow your child to be laid out on a train platform, but on another level people need to be taught parenting skills. This cycle of the idiots teaching idiots and then teaching these idiotic behaviors to innocent minors is getting very old and very fast. We need to educate ourselves. Read some etiquette books or something. What I just saw hurt me and I hate to see young adults encourage children to become hoodlums and sluts and irresponsible. 

I'm 34 and I acted like a child. I was not perfect, but Debbie woulda kicked my ass for half the things I see teenagers doing. My mom and dad gave birth to me at 16 and my mom finished high school on time and worked every day of her life. Never took a hiatus for the sake of laziness. I watched and learned that. It's innate for me to be hard worker. And unless we get more parents exhibiting good qualities we will  continue to be viewed as the lowest class, I don't care how many black presidents are elected!

Rahiem Brooks, author of Laugh Now, First Laugh, Die Later, Con Test
Web site

1 comment:

  1. Well written. Unfortunately, those of born with the common sense that our parents/guardians have given us can preach to the high heavens about ignorance as loud as we'd like; those that should be listening have their ear phones on just as loud as you did, sadley.
